Comes to our law firm for legal advice a promoting company who had concluded a contract for work by which the contractor agreed to restore a building and transform it into nine apartments. As a consequence of some disagreements related to the final price of the...
A client asks us to annul the only will her father granted when he had no sufficient cognitive and volitional ability to do so. Once the complaint was filed and before the evidences provided, the other part proposed to reach an agreement by which he accepts the...
A client who has been unfairly disinherited by his father and without mediate any of the causes established by the Catalunya civil code. By the corresponding judicial action, the heir payed him 100% of the legitimacy that by law corresponds to him. Artículos...
Appeal court judgment revoking the first instance judgment: Our client comes to us in order to appeal a judgment of first instance that established paternal-filial measures. In particular, the sentence attributed the custody of the child to both parents although the...
We request an amendment of measures regarding a divorce decree obtained a few years earlier. We obtain 30% higher child maintenance than she had previously and in the execution phase we reached an agreement whereby the father paid 90% of the accumulated debt....
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